Mus aplenkė...Minskas
Ir kas galėjo pagalvoti! Kol Kaunas tampėsi su savo prekės ženklo konkurso komedija, o Vilnius dar net nežino kas per velnias tas vizualus prekės ženklo formavimas, Minskas ramiai jį pradėjo kurti. Ir driokstelėjo neprastai - su vizualinio stilius užduotimi susitvarkyta mano požiūriu puikiai. Žydra spalva tradiciškai siejama su Baltarusija, Minskas praūžusio karo buvo visiškai sugriautas, tad abstraktus, modernus, ir, kaip matome, labai universalus dizaino sprendimas šiame kontekste labai gerai "limpa". Sakyčiau skandinaviško stiliaus projektas, nors projekto autoriai - rusai (grafinis dizainas - Maksimas Alimkinas, art-direktorius - Aleksandras Grantas, strategija - "Instid" (Londonas-Maskva-Jerevanas).
Iš pranešimo spaudai:
"Instead of reflecting on multitude dimensions of the city’s life, the brand strategy captured Minsk’s essential quality, the ability to rationalise, engineer, and create effective practical solutions to complex technological and scientific problems. This quality is deeply ingrained in Minsk residents, many of whom are third generations engineers. It manifests itself in the user-friendly layout of the city and the rhythmical and reliable work of its services. It also propels a burgeoning industry of software programming, engineering, and high precision manufacturing that has emerged in Minsk over the last two decades. The core idea of Minsk as a city of intellect is expressed in the slogan Think Minsk. It sends a clear message to foreign investors, tourists and talent that Minsk welcomes and fosters knowledge-based production and exchange of ideas. It gives a direction for the city development and propels Minsk towards becoming a new growth place in the world economy.
A graphic expression of this archetypal quality of Minsk is delivered by the combination of the light blue colour (the colour of communication, abstract thinking, and intellect), and the line (as a most flexible and effective shape). Given the lack of any common symbols for the city at present, we decided against creating a defined decorative graphic symbol. Rather, we created a platform for fostering and channeling the creative energy of Minsk residents by defining very clear, laconic, and abstract tenets of the Minsk visual style. In other words, we designated alternating blue and white stripes of equal width as the key and only imperative for the city visuals and opened them to the Minsk residents, businesses and public bodies to interpret and use. Below are some illustrations how the city visual style can be effectively and powerfully implemented in a variety of contexts and applications."