Melburno logą prisiminus
"Interbrand" stambiai Rusijos finansų kompanijai "Troika" sukūrė 3D logą (čia logas nesisuka, reiktų jį pamatyti "Troikos" svetainėje). Pagalvojau - idėja koreliuoja (CorelDraw čia niekuo dėtas :) su Melburno logo idėja...Gal visgi tai jau "trendas"? Interbrand tvirtina, kad tai pirmas pasaulyje dinaminis logo. Interbrand: “The time of simple, 2-dimensional forms is gradually sinking into the past. Corporate communications are switching over to virtual reality. In virtual space, our logo is 3-dimensional. It is dynamic. The printed version is always different too, even on your business cards. Troika’s Pattern shows connecting lines, which are meant to represent the many different levels and poles of interactions, processes, and communications between people in this complex and fast-changing world.”